Journey to restore health days 3-4
|Slept well two nights ago, after acupuncture. But, last night awake from 4-5:30a or so. There is a homeopathic- Quietude- that sometimes helps me go back to sleep, but in the dark I took my allergy homeopathic instead of the Quietude. So, I didn’t have an allergy attack like I’ve been having when I wake at night, but didn’t sleep well.
Then Ferran woke at 6a. Luckily Brooks has been getting him in the AM, so I went back to sleep for a nap before getting up at 7:45.
Obviously, no quick fixes here on getting better sleep. Frustrating! I don’t drink caffeine generally, so my fatigue is really rough. But, when I do drink caffeine, things get worse overall, so I try to tough it out.
Here’s my plan for today:
I’ve not been meditating as much as I’d hoped. I know this helps calm my nervous system so much. So, I’m off to meditate while Ferran is napping.
I‘m also doing better at eating nourishing food regularly. I ate at regular intervals of 2-3 hours with more protein as I know this is a big thing that got my system so out of whack.
I had a meal replacement/protein packet on the go yesterday instead of skipping lunch. Super good stuff in there. It’s the RAW Meal brand. Organic goodness. I’ve been resisting the powder lunches because I often hope to eat better, but it’s better than nothing for sure. Cause I’m facing the fact that eating a nourishing, hot lunch is probably not gonna happen.
Also, I’m keeping up with my herbs that I mentioned yesterday.
Finally, my goal is to go to the Rec Center and do some light working out/weights to help balance my system. Intense workouts when dis-regulated will often cause more dis-regulation. At least in my system.
If you have things that have worked for you, let me know! I hope this continues to offer some ideas if you are also suffering from insomina!